Glass ceiling essay sample

The term ‘glass ceiling’ means an unbreakable barrier that prevents the minorities and women from rising to the upper levels in their career, no matter how qualified they are. Obviously, this term is used metaphorically to highlight the existing inequality on the job market.

Even though a lot of progress has been made in the recent years, there are some areas in which male executives are predominant. Such sectors include finance and manufacture, for instance. Another issue is the salary. It is not a secret that women usually get paid less for doing the same amount of work that men do on the exact position and with the exact requirements and qualifications. Surely, it is not something to be proud of.

Luckily, the latest data show that women have managed to dig a hole in the glass ceiling and still continue to do so. What it means is that the number of female executives has increased. What is more, they get paid equally as men for the same amount of work done. Yet, there are still a lot of aspects to work on as only some countries managed to successfully establish gender and minority equality. In order to learn more about this issue, go to …