How are habits formed? essay sample

The process of forming a new habit is quite long. Besides, every individual usually has lots of excuses which is the reason why so many people quit at the beginning.

Yet, what is interesting to know is how we begin to form a new habit. Well, it is not a secret that every habit begins with a psychological pattern. It is called a ‘habit loop’. This process consists of three parts. The first part is the trigger which tells you that you are either supposed to do something or at least start doing something. The next one is called the routine. It is that kind of behavior which is necessary in order for the habit to develop. The final part is called the reward. What it means is that your brain likes something about this new habit which also helps it to remember the newly formed habit. Even though it may seem quite easy, getting from the first stage to the second one is really difficult. In order to read more about the process of forming a habit in detail, do not hesitate to go to …