Mental retardation essay sample

To begin with, it is necessary to highlight that intellectual disability is a better-suited term for such notion as mental retardation. The main characteristics include the lack of skills to perform day-to-day tasks as well as below-average intelligence. It is possible for people with intellectual disability to learn new skills. However, this process is going to be really slow.

Speaking about the signs of intellectual disability in children, they are as follows: crawling, rolling over, sitting up or walking late; talking late or having problems with it; having difficulties with remembering information; mastering things slowly; behavior problems, having difficulties with problem-solving and connecting actions to consequences.

It is also important to dwell upon causes of intellectual disability which include various generic conditions, illness, injury, problems during childbirth or pregnancy. Apart from that, there are cases when the cause of intellectual disability is unknown. In case you are willing to read more on the issue of intellectual disability as well as familiarize yourself with some examples regarding the subject in question, feel free to visit …