Should global companies adapt to national peculiarities? essay sample

The main priority of global companies is their orientation on the largest target market possible – the whole world. Thus, the activity of such businesses is comprehensive indeed, as they frequently make some differences for every particular market depending on their geographical peculiarities or ethnicity. But why should they do it if globalization is striding in leaps and bounds across the globe?

To successfully fulfill demands of the global community, we need to remember that it has never been a homogeneous group of people. Different nationalities encompass their own set of needs and values which remain more or less stable through centuries. These days, Eastern and Western culture frequently go hand in hand, but still, those who strongly feel their belonging to a particular ethnic group make sure that they cherish their own culture refined from global “flavoring”. Some part of the community is easy to insert in the global context; the other will remain faithful to their national assets. Therefore, businesses cannot become fully global if they do not target at both of these markets.

Adjusting one’s marketing strategy to every other business implies time and a financial spending. That is why global companies include separate strategies for different target markets. For example, products exported to China may have different content, purpose, target group, advertising, etc. from those exported to India.

All in all, global companies do not only need to export goods, they also shall be accepted and supported by international consumers. Sometimes it will be easier and more profitable for manufacturers to aim at some limited markets that are easier to reach. Coming to the global scale requires attention to all types of consumers who live there, otherwise, businesses risk to appear unclaimed.