Should people wait till the age of 21 to get married? essay sample

Establishing any time limits for a marriage seems to be an artificial and obsolete tradition. In the Victorian era, an unmarried woman at the age of 25-30 was treated nearly like an old maid. However, the modern Western society has dramatically changed its norms in respect of starting a family life. Getting married and becoming pregnant before graduating and having a job drags negative consequences to health, well-being, and reputation of a young mother. But is it really so important to listen to a strange opinion if a girl has decided to marry before or instead of entering a college?

Perhaps, we shall take into account the opinion of sociologists who claim that early marriage undermines the financial independence of the new household and increases the possibility of a divorce. This picture may be somehow different in the Eastern cultures where marriage is traditionally planned since the childhood and arranged as soon as teenagers acquire basic secondary education. Support of the both families plays an important role in Eastern nationalities, while children are the utmost treasure. But for the Western people being capable of taking care of their own family is frequently the prior condition for getting married.

In order not to make one size fit all young individuals, their readiness to get married must be estimated according to the abilities of their parents. If the adults can supply children with their own housing and support them financially, why should not people marry at the age of 18? On the other hand, marriage is a poor perspective if children are going to live together with their parents in a small house. Thus, some people will be happy to marry at the age of 21 or even earlier while the others may feel awkward even being 25 and older.