Social psychology essay sample

As it can be understood from the name, social psychology presupposes that the behavior of an individual is viewed in the social context. To be more specific, their behavior is better understood when it is analyzed with the help of the social component.

One of the aspects to mention in this respect is that the behavior of an individual is influenced by others, even though the person may not even realize it. What is also important to highlight is the way in which we behave may differ depending on the particular type of the situation. To be more specific, social psychologists are interested in the way in which our beliefs, thoughts, feelings and goals are constructed, especially when the social aspect is taken into consideration. The following aspects are necessary to take into account when you are supposed to dwell upon the subject of social psychology: self concept, social influence, social cognition, discrimination, prejudice, interpersonal processes, stereotypes and attitudes. More useful information regarding the field of social psychology can be found at …