Stress 😞 and its effects on individuals essay sample

There is no need to highlight the fact that stress has a huge impact on the organism as well as the general health state of a person. Even though sometimes stressful situations can help you solve the problem faster, they should not be frequent. In case that occurs, there is a very huge risk to suffer from lots of complications.

To begin with, the person who is constantly under stress is likely to suffer from frequent headaches. They may also experience muscle spams as well as back pain. A person may either have an increased or a decreased appetite. Those people who are constantly under a lot of stress are likely to suffer from insomnia. They will also find it difficult to concentrate as well as to complete their work on time. Among other symptoms are: difficulty with the decision-making process, confusion, frustration, feeling of loneliness, either obsessive or compulsive behavior, no interest in being punctual, reduced productivity, social withdrawal, fatigue, impulse buying, nervous habits and some others. In order to find out more, do not hesitate to visit …