Substance abuse essay sample

When the issue in question is substance abuse, the first two subjects that are about to come up are drug and alcohol problems. These are the most commonly used substances to which people get addicted. Here are the most common symptoms to take into consideration.

To begin with, people tend not to sleep much which is why they also experience unusual laziness. They may either lose appetite or have increased appetite. Their eyes are usually watery and red; palms are quite often sweaty. Alcohol and drug addicts tend to talk excessively and be extremely hyperactive. However, such state does not last long. They tend to become really depressed very quickly.

Speaking about behavioral signs, the most common ones include paranoia, forgetfulness, chronic dishonesty, missing prescription pills, change in personality or attitude, general lack of motivation, change in habits, irritability, moodiness, suspicious behavior, nervousness, unexplained need for money or even money stealing. In order to familiarize yourself with additional information as well as several examples on the subject under consideration, do not hesitate to proceed to …