The problem of the economic differences among various racial, ethnic groups and differences on the base of being a male or a female essay sample

Racial and gender inequalities are frequently addressed as a crucial goal for the American society to achieve. In fact, they are critical for many more countries with a much lower GDP per capita, which immediately reflects upon the socioeconomic stability of the population. Living in the country of immigrants, many Americans have different opportunities due to their race and national origin. Gender issues are interrelated with the socioeconomic status as the rate of employment and average salaries differ between male, female, and LGBTQ individuals.

Talking about racial and ethnic variety in the US, we usually touch upon the problem of the extreme poverty. The wealth of Asian and African immigrants strongly depends on their background. The illegal migrants are on the verge of poverty as they came with nothing escaping from their countries. They have neither citizenship nor any sufficient skills to obtain a well-paid job and nurture their household.   However, not all minorities are poor like that. Those who came almost a century ago with some basic assets already managed to work their way out of poverty and raised children who have much more chances to get a relevant education and lucrative employment. This change does not happen overnight, but as a rule, every other generation of immigrants has higher standards of living as compared to their parents.

Women who complain about poor conditions of employment do not always belong to a racial minority. Caucasian females also complain that they are underpaid by the employers. The latter have different reasons to do so; in the first place, female occupations such as teaching and nursing are traditionally less valued than male’s, and secondly, females frequently do with a part-time job.

Socioeconomic differences between the groups mentioned above really exist, and their solution is usually seen as an appropriate objective to be put in a political speech, for example. Nevertheless, these discrepancies are commonly explained not only by the absence of opportunities in the country but also by the inability of candidates to fit in the existing workplaces.