What does it mean to totally depend on nuclear power? essay sample

Nuclear power stations serve as so-called intermediaries between fossil fuels and renewable energy. After the first nuclear plants were built in the 1950s, by this time nuclear power has greatly expanded in operation. More than 400 countries currently operate in 31 countries of the world. They produce more than 10 percent of the overall electricity in the world. Today, nuclear power is steadily declining as many countries refuse from using it. Probably, solar and wind power will outrun nuclear power quite soon if the sector continues to decline.

The use of nuclear power is associated with certain environmental risks. Releasing no carbon emissions into the atmosphere, nuclear power poses a risk of radiation if any accidents happen. The world history has notorious examples of nuclear disasters that happened in the US, Europe, and Japan for the last 50 years. The countries who use nuclear power have shown that it is possible to make reactors safe, nevertheless, it is hardly possible to prevent damage done by natural disasters.

Taking into account all drawbacks of the nuclear power, its future is very doubtful. There is always a danger of improper disposal of nuclear wastes that can leak into environment and cause pollution.   Reactor accidents happen even to the safest plants in the world. Their consequences are remote and frequently much bigger than scientists estimate. Nuclear energy is costly and inefficient as compared to solar or wind power. For this reason, the world is unlikely to depend exceptionally on nuclear power as we already have more efficient and safe alternatives.