Zoological parks essay sample

Generally, opinions regarding zoological parks are quite controversial. Opponents of zoological parks believe that animals should not live in captivity. Thus, such people are obviously against zoological parks.

Yet, advocates of zoological parks are convinced that profound research is done in such institutions which helps to make sure that animals live longer as well as do not become extinct. Apart from that, there is no life-threatening danger to the animals when they live at the zoo as they will not have to run away from other animals in order to survive. Besides, animals are always taken care of. They are provided with food and medical assistance when needed. What it all boils down to is that animals will live longer as well as be able to reproduce.

It is obvious that the most important aspect here is to provide animals with appropriate conditions as their living at the zoo has to be as comfortable as possible. Once that is done, the life of animals is going to be pleasant and trouble-free.