Determinants of consumer buying behavior through mega stores essay sample

Moving from small retail shops to large mega stores and department stores, consumers change their behavior. There is a huge chasm between being politely served by the owner of a small store and getting lost among the sky-high shelves of identical products in a superstore. Today huge stores can hardly surprise anyone. However, people coming to huge cities from the province feel confused anyway. They cannot rely on their shopping habits there and have to develop new ones more suitable to the endless realm of a superstore.

Taking into account the variety of brands and products presented in an average superstore, people tend to make poorly-informed and unconscious decisions. Trying to research content labels of every product they need and its 10 analogs, consumers get tired of their shopping. They cannot minimize the stress because there is a tremendous number of products there. Even if they have found everything they need, queuing in front of the cash register is another challenge. Small stores are deprived of threats like that, and people shopping in their local places will take only the necessary products they are well-aware of and go home satisfied with their choice.

Advertising, consultants, and other features drawing extra attention determine consumers’ choices in a superstore. If there is a dozen of identical products, people definitely need someone to tell them which oat flakes they should buy. Even if they do not want to buy these particular goods, they cannot decide which one they really need and why. That is why superstores bring a portion of deceit and confusion into shopping experience of people who rarely buy in such places.