Allopathy medicine vs. Homeopathy medicine: Which is better? essay sample


Allopathy is another name for a conventional medicine that provides the use of chemicals and other pharmacologically active substances to treat health conditions. Today, allopathy is considered to be the only scientifically proven method able to treat diseases. Homeopathy as well as the remaining alternative medicine is frequently approached either as a fraud or as a method producing nothing but a placebo effect.

Despite a clear controversy, skilled therapists do not usually evaluate one practice over the other. It is quite clear how most drugs work; they do not only eliminate symptoms but also kill pathogen bacteria, suppress viruses, and help to remove toxic substances from the human body. Chemical drugs are essential in case of emergency when a patient has not few months to recover. Homeopathy, on the other hand, works in the long run. Many therapists have witnessed its efficacy with chronic conditions that are not quite easy to address. Homeopathic pills are claimed to contain substances of natural origin diluted to such extent that almost nothing of the original substance is left in the pill. Homeopathic practitioners claim that the action of homeopathy is based because of the traces of original substance – the water in which it was diluted still has a “memory” that is more potent than the original substance on the cellular level. Therefore, both homeopathy and allopathy are effective when prescribed correctly.

As for the miraculous effect of homeopathy, many therapists take it as a placebo effect. As it was proven, self-suggestions works perfectly for many patients. The scientific community has not yet clarified such term as the memory of the water so it is more certain to judge homeopathy within the framework of a placebo treatment.