Caffeine addiction symptoms ☕ essay sample


Caffeine addiction is a common term used to describe the effect caffeine makes on our body. However, scientists doubt that this substance may cause a serious addiction. It certainly drags some unpleasant effects from caffeine withdrawal, and their severity usually depends on the dose people take in regularly. So how does caffeine addiction develops?

Being a stimulant to the central nervous system, caffeine interferes with the natural balance of chemicals in the body and enhances some reactions. As caffeine stops the breakdown of the chemical called cyclic adenosine monophosphate, various neurotransmitters begin to act faster. Our heart rate increases and brain cells receive more oxygen than they normally do. That is why we usually feel invigorated after another cup of coffee – it certainly makes us more productive. But as soon as we do not receive a daily portion of caffeine, many processes slow down causing various conditions, from a mood change to an actual pain.

A clear symptom of the developed caffeine addiction is a headache. The brain no longer receives as many oxygen as previously, and blood vessels tend to narrow so that individuals feel the pressure of ache behind their eyes. Pain in the muscles is common to people during the caffeine withdrawal because metabolic processes do not act properly. Sleepiness, irritability, and zero productivity usually come along with the limit on caffeine. Our body just cannot function properly if the chemical interchange is not enhanced from outside because it accustomed to the enhancing effect of stimulants.

An abrupt refusal from caffeine makes people experience nasty symptoms of withdrawal for a couple of days or even weeks. It is possible to decline the intake of caffeine gradually to avoid the most severe consequences of caffeine addiction.