Empty nest syndrome essay sample

The first thing to learn regarding the subject in question is what empty nest syndrome means. So, it is the feeling of grief, sadness or even depression which parents experience when their children come of age and leave homes. It usually happens when children get married or go to college.

It is quite obvious that mothers are more affected than fathers. What is necessary to highlight is that it is quite normal to feel sad during this period of time. Yet, it is important to take into consideration the fact that these days symptoms of the empty nest syndrome are not as hard as they used to be. The thing is that a lot of mothers are working. Thus, they have something to focus on. What is more, a lot of children come back to live with their parents after graduation. It is useful for parents to talk to each other as well as to discuss what they are feeling as it will help to deal with the feeling of sadness and grief. Feel free to find out more at …