Negative peer pressure essay sample

To begin with, you need to understand what peer pressure is. It occurs when your peers are trying to convince you to do something. What is more, in most cases they do not stop until they reach their goals. For instance, they may say that it is uncool not to drink which is the reason why you have to do it as well. Those children who are unable to resist peer pressure tend to do everything they are told to.

The reason why it happens is as follows: perhaps, the desire of every teenager is to fit in, to have a cool group of friends and to be like everyone else. They simply want to be liked and respected by their peers. Teenagers who experience negative peer pressure tend to be very unhappy during those years as they are unable to express their own point of view as well as to do what they want. In order to familiarize yourself with other consequences of negative peer pressure, feel free to visit …