Suicide essay sample

It is obvious that the story of every person who is thinking of committing suicide is different. What is more, there is a very huge chance that it will be impossible for the majority of people to understand what such person is going through.

Here are the most common signs a person is considering the option of committing suicide. To begin with, such person is likely to suffer from depression. What it means is that they are going to have a lot of negative thoughts which may result in the desire to commit suicide. They may think that they are merely a burden and everyone will be better off without them.

Apart from that, such people also tend to talk about committing suicide or having the desire to die. What is even worse, they may even start looking for a way to kill themselves. What is also important to highlight is that such people find it difficult to find a reason to live. As a result, they think that committing suicide is the only suitable option for them. The first thing to be done in such situation is to help these people. Familiarize yourself with more at …