The role of UNEP in the world’s monitoring of water, air and land pollution


As the leading global environmental organization, UNEP pursues several goals concerning environmental protection. The authority tries to minimize effects of the climate change by supporting trends and initiatives which help to cut greenhouse gas emissions. UNEP takes part in the prevention of disasters and conflicts which affect human well-being and exacerbate environmental degradation. It sticks to the Sustainable Development Goals aiming to conserve ecosystems endangered by human activity. Accelerating the transition to sustainable energy sources, UNEP supports countries that can invest in green economy and benefit from improving environment.

Pollution is another concern of UNEP. Chemicals and wastes disposed into the natural resources make them inappropriate for human use. They damage ecosystems and accelerate climate change; to regulate industrial wastes more efficiently, the organization is constantly monitoring the level of water, land, and air contamination.

Air pollution is the largest contributor to the global warming. Analyzing the amount of carbon emissions, experts establish plans for transition to renewable energy worldwide. Fossil fuels are no longer tolerated in the industries.

Many dangerous chemicals are accumulated in fresh water consumed by people every day. Due to the activity of UNEP, 17 countries have adopted policies for a sound waste management in the last two years, which is the first step to tackle toxic emissions.

Contamination of soils is a great hurdle to sustainable agriculture. Huge coastal areas regularly become deserted because of oil contamination, and agricultural lands saturated with chemical fertilizers and pesticides lose their value. UNEP takes care that farmers in the most problematic regions of the world borrowed sustainable practices and implemented them on their own land.