Understanding and controlling teenage suicide essay sample


According to the National Institute of Mental Health, suicide recently was the third leading cause of deaths among teenagers. Cases of suicide attempts increased so that parents are deeply concerned about the mental health of their children. Depression comes as a major generator of suicidal thoughts and it is very common to adolescents irrespective of their gender and ethnic group. But still, the NIMH concluded that boys have higher suicide rates than girls as well as non-Hispanic Whites and American Indians.

Teenagers suffering from mental conditions are more prone to suicide attempts than healthy kids. Having difficulties while coping with stress, adolescents feel trapped and see no way out of the situation. Depression is usually caused or exacerbated by distressing events at school (bullying) or in the family (death of a close family member). Things like a failure in romantic relationships or receiving not enough peers’ attention may look not so gloomy to parents but still children can find them extremely difficult to overcome.

Trying to anticipate suicidal attempts, parents shall take into account their family history. Cases of mood disorders and suicidal behavior frequently run in the family. The experience of violence, sexual abuse, pregnancy, or sexually transmitted infections is a potent factor which helps children ingrain the thoughts to murder themselves.

Suspecting that teens have suicidal thoughts, parents shall talk to them immediately. Frequently, it is possible to persuade kids to give up their intentions and find a way out together. Which is more, many kids want parents’ attention and support. To prevent suicidal behavior, parents shall discourage isolation and make sure that children are safe with their friends and get along with peers at school.