What can the average person do to combat global climate change? What can the government do? essay sample

Global warming is a key topic for discussion at the international summits, however, officials have not yet achieved a great success in this respect. Some governments do a visible progress in cutting their carbon emissions and getting control over their waste. The others are just learning and thinking over how it would be possible to implement the best energy saving traditions in their country. While the leaders are about to make a decision, every citizen can adopt some useful habits which will allow our environment to cope with the pressure.

It is quite possible for each of us to think about what we consume and what we throw away. Keeping the light on only in the inhabited rooms and lowering the temperature on the thermostat, we can cut down our monthly bills. Taking control of what we throw away is no less important. Everything recyclable can be delivered to special bins in the streets or some corporations may encourage people to give their items for recycling. Electronic items, as well as LED-lamps, must be delivered to collectors who will make sure that dangerous substances are disposed of properly. And last, most of us shall try to use less cellophane and plastic. Refusing from buying a cellophane bag at the supermarket, each of cares about the landfills.

Governments and NGOs have to show their eagerness to improve the environment too.  The least what they can do is to create enough recycling facilities so that people can dispose of their rubbish properly. And, of course, standards considering the admissible amount of industrial emissions shall be revised too.