Who is to blame for today’s insane beauty standards? essay sample


The way modern fashion industry defines beauty standards obviously does not coincide with what is to see in the streets. While top-models still remain to be extremely skinny and refined, societies face the problem of obesity even more. But how can it happen in the twenty-first century that the mass media fiercely denies the objective reality and maniacally promotes an over-idealized image?

It is quite clear that all people dissatisfied with super-slim models casting flirtatious glances from billboards can blame the mass media and popular designers. However, the other part of society which buys glossy magazines and strives to look appealing certainly pushes the beauty industry forwards. Teenage girls with quite a normal weight are ready to starve in order to look same skinny and conform to these standards.

As a matter of fact, the majority of the American population is to some extent overweight. But even the reaction of plump people to perfect ladies in the magazines differs dramatically. While some of them carelessly wrap another sandwich looking at glossy pictures, the others become close to hysteria. Thus, the side effects of unrealistic beauty standards become damaging. But on the other side, these standards carry certain advantages.

Putting aside the negative consequences of perfection, we shall confess that skinny models promote going in for sports and healthy eating. It is very unlikely for any of stars to confide in the press that they eat whatever they want. Numerous models admit that vegetal food and moderate but regular sports exercises help them remain just like they are. Of course, the contribution of stylists is incontestable, but, in general, the idea of keeping oneself fit remains quite a sound one.