Diffusion of innovation in European culture essay sample


The spread of ideas and innovations within the cultures is greatly predetermined by the capacity of humans to accept new ideas and, of course, a proper funding. European society comprises some of the most developed countries in the world which regularly enrich the international experience with new scientific, economic, and cultural trends. Globalization sufficiently enhances the diffusion of innovations and makes European views more common in America and Asia.

Despite being progressive in many respects, European society lacks innovations in the cultural sphere. Politicians concentrated on dealing with the crisis in Greece and other countries, and a business sector is mostly engaged in enhancing export. Culture, at the same time, became a marginal brunch to the European policy as activity in this sphere is not likely to bring the immediate profit.

Unification is a great challenge which prevents European culture from spreading its cultural innovations all over the world. European peoples tend to preserve their national and language identities and underline their unique potential. That is why production of cultural products such as films and music predominantly remains a national affair within the countries. Rather few artists from all these small countries make a breakthrough at the international arena which means that dozens of single cultures still have to unite into the single European culture.

As the ability to accept foreign innovations is essential to their quick spread, European nations, perhaps, shall be more open to the cultural products and trends coming from their neighbors. Globalization requires few major cultural identities rather than hundreds of smaller ones to be presented worldwide. Thus, unification of European cultures can give a fine boost to the circulation of innovation across the Europe and neighboring continents.