Does wealth always make people less ethical? essay sample


The thesis “happiness cannot be purchased for money” remains relevant even these days. It highlights the nature of spiritual values and contrasts them to material treasures. Moralists have always taught us that possessing excessive tangible goods may lead us to the trap as soon as we decide that the more things we purchase, the better we develop. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to assume that the evil of wealth is to some extent overestimated.

As a matter of fact, people become greedy when their assets steadily multiple. Corrupted bureaucrats are a bright example of the statement. Nevertheless, our society remains diverse, and wealthy citizens who use their assets to improve the life of other people still exist. Numerous American patrons, donors, and activists fund non-profit organizations or establish initiatives which contribute to quite ethical purposes. They donate money to enhance development in science, education, and culture which are unlikely to happen without a generous funding.

Sometimes the desire to become wealthy pushes individuals to unethical decisions as unethical activity may help to multiple one’s wealth. However, far not all rich individuals chose this way. In fact, predisposition to unethical behavior is a very personal feature which is developed through the lifetime. If children were taught to cherish and strive for wealth in the first place, they will try to do it by all means in the future. Decent children, on the contrary, will not exchange their ethical concerns for money. Being ethical or rich are not mutually exclusive notions, and even now people are able to earn their millions in a legal way and spend them for good purposes.