How have smartphones 📱 affected business practices? essay sample

We clearly realize how smartphones affected our everyday life and communication with peers. People from different social classes and occupations find them equally helpful and convenient. But what about business people? Do they treat a smartphone as a useful device for running their business? Certainly, entrepreneurs benefit from smartphones in the first place mainly due to the fact that this new generation of mobile phones can substitute personal digital assistants. It is very handy to have all the agenda, important notes, and relevant information in one’s cell-phone.

We will not overestimate the role of smartphones if we say that they made business practices omniscient. It is no longer necessary to stay at the office to work on projects, consult colleagues, or exchange materials. Busy entrepreneurs try to do as much as possible so that an amount of their work shall be done on the way to the office or between meetings. And smartphones help sufficiently in this respect.

Even those business people who do not hurry up all the time need to check emails, do taxes, shop online, and it all can be arranged using a smartphone. As a matter of fact, cell-phones became little analogs of a laptop. Certainly, they cannot provide all functions of the office computer, but still, they are helpful in doing small but not less important tasks. However, smartphones present a danger of ruining our leisure time. Some people use a cell-phone every minute of their free time to control the business and such behavior makes their family feel neglected. Business, on the other hand, always remains under control.