Industrial waste management essay sample

Waste management can be a real problem even for small households if  people do not know where do put used lithium batteries or a pile of plastic bags. This question is even tougher for industries that generate hazardous waste every day. They cannot deposit these wastes in the landfills as households do, nevertheless, dishonest owners let their facilities spill waste into the environment.

Environmentalists created several approaches concerning the reasonable waste management, and the most popular of them is the principle of three R’s: reduce, reuse, and recycle. It means industries shall organize their process of production so smartly that no spare toxic materials remain in the end. Reusing substances will help industries to put less raw materials into the process, thus, it will be more efficient. All the waste remaining after the production cycle is over shall be properly recycled and stored for the further production.

The recycling potential of products has somewhat increased in the recent years. Environmentally responsible businesses succeed ‘cradle to grave’ product cycle with ‘cradle to cradle’ one. Such goods are easily recycled, and consumers have no need to throw them away in the landfills.

In order to force industries properly dispose of their wastes, governments shall impose a proper environmental legislation. Businesses that produce and dispose of toxic materials shall bear responsibility for their waste. Each of them needs to construct a reliable recycling facility so that the governments are sure that industrial wastes are not spilled into the environment. A lenient legislation allows industries to dispose of wastes in a way appropriate for them, and in most cases, it  pollutes natural resources.