Pros and Cons of Hypnosis essay sample


Hypnotherapy is an alternative way of treatment for patients with mental conditions or psychological issues which reflect on their physical health. It is successfully used to mute pain during minor surgeries and childbirth instead of anesthesia. The major point of hypnotherapy is to avoid medication without lowering the quality of treatment. This method is also used to treat substance addiction, weight gain, eating and sleep disorders, phobias and anxiety, and even cancer. Many of these conditions can hardly be treated with any medication that is why more and more patients consider taking sessions of hypnosis.

To feel the results of hypnotherapy, patients shall attend at least several sessions of hypnosis with a qualified therapist. They make patients relax and submerge in a trans-like state to take control over the patient’s mind. This part of hypnotherapy is especially scary as patients do not fully trust their therapists. All of them are more or less anxious about what can happen when they lose control over their own mind.

Nevertheless, benefits of hypnotherapy cannot be overseen. Reprogramming of the subconscious helps patients to heal from nasty mental disorders when medication is almost useless. The effect of hypnotherapy is long lasting or even permanent so that patients may not bother about relapses. Besides, almost every person is eligible for hypnosis except for patients with epilepsy or personality disorder.

Cons of hypnotherapy are its yet unexplained nature of influence (that is why we call it alternative therapy) and a risk of fraud. Before considering to undergo hypnotherapy, patients have to make sure that their therapists is registered by national organizations and has certificates to confirm their qualification.