Students should not be pushed to compete at athletics essay sample

All parents want their children to be energetic, cheerful, and outgoing. Alongside, they wish to develop the competitiveness and leadership in kids to prepare them for the adult life. Playing sports seems to be the easiest way to engage in competition and have fun with friends. Nevertheless, not all children like team sports and appreciate being enrolled in school teams. Being aware that athletics is so positive to physical and social development, parents insist that the child participates in sports and wait for them to obey. Finally, children hate sports clubs and acquire inferiority complex alongside with social phobia.

Sometimes children who are expected to like competitions fear and avoid them. It is not natural for all little kids to like baseball or football; some of them do not like sports at all. In such cases, it would be better for parents not to push children into activities which do not evoke enthusiasm in kids. Perhaps, they like dancing or chess instead of team sports. After all, other extracurricular activities such as various types of arts are very useful to the child’s development too.

Some parents feel proud that their kids engage in athletics even if they do it grudgingly. In the time when children are not yet ready for sports, the pressure may appear disastrous. Kids may hate their coaches and peers who usually laugh at every failure. After all, it gives a way to bullying. To protect children from discomfort and humiliation, parents shall be more attentive to kids and their favorite activities. Certainly, physical activity is crucial, but the initiative shall come from children themselves. Parents only need to motivate and encourage their kids.