How can we make the energy demands sustainable? essay sample

Conservation of energy is a global goal shared by all nations in the world. Both developed and developing countries face scarcity of natural resources that one day will make prices on energy skyrocket. To prevent sources of fossil fuels from draining and to protect ecosystems from climate change, many countries produce solar and wind power. Nevertheless, the part of the renewable energy in the mass production is still very small and it cannot cover the demand which is enormous. To make the transition easier, we need not only to enhance the production of alternative energy but also to reduce the overall demand.

Efficient energy use is a necessary condition for a sustainable living. Though it seems that one household needs a comparatively small amount of energy to be adequately heated, this figure can be much less. Nearly a half of the energy is lost as a waste heat due to its inefficient construction of buildings or irresponsible use. Many individuals do not bother how much energy they consume as soon as it is warm enough in the building.

To make our energy demand more sustainable, we shall review the way we use our resources. Perhaps, many of us have few energy-consuming household appliances including lamps and heating devices. But breaking negative habits is merely one part of the process. We cannot achieve a sustainable energy demand until old constructions are not succeeded with new and progressive ones. A huge part of the heat supplied to the building is lost through walls and windows that no longer correspond modern standards.