Samples - page 18

Mental health services essay sample

Mental health services exist to assist people in finding help they require. Therefore, there is no doubt that you will find lots of mental health services as soon as you start searching. What is relevant to highlight in this respect is that a lot of useful information can be found both online and offline. What…

Assertive communication essay sample

So, you will need to learn more about assertiveness before you can start dwelling upon this issue. Assertive behavior presupposes that you know what you want. In other words, you ask for what you want but you do not necessarily get it all the time. You know your rights but you also respect others which…

What are panic attacks? essay sample

To begin with, you need to figure out what a panic attack is. So, it is a sudden surge of overwhelming fear and anxiety. Your heart starts to pound really fast and it is hard for you to breathe. What is important to highlight in this respect is that panic attacks can lead to a…

Dealing with distressed students essay sample

The most common ways to help a distressed student are as follows. The first thing to be done is to speak to the student in private and to discuss what exactly is causing their distress. In such a way, you will at least be able to see the tip of the problem. If you see…

Dissertation writing tips essay sample

Stuck trying to write a dissertation but cannot quite cope with the assignment? Take a look at some dissertation writing tips which will help you deal with this task faster. The most obvious tip is to start researching and writing early. In such a way, you will have more time to review the work. Do…

Self care essay sample

Perhaps, what is of great importance in this respect is to explain why self care matters. Well, the most obvious reason is that you will be psychologically stable. The thing is that we all forget to take proper care of our ourselves trying to achieve more and more in this life which quite often looks…

How to cope with fatigue essay sample

Fatigue is that kind of thing which you have experienced at least once. In case you are currently experiencing this, it is important to start dealing with the issue by ruling out the health problems. As soon as you make sure that you healthy, get down to solving this problem immediately. First and foremost, get…

Common responses to traumatic events essay sample

To begin with, it is significant to take into consideration the fact that the responses to traumatic events can be emotional and physical. Speaking about physical reactions, one should mention the following: heart palpitations, headaches, changes in sleep and eating patterns, increased used of alcohol and drugs. When it comes to emotional reactions to traumatic…

How to avoid procrastination essay sample

Procrastination is a part of everyone’s life. We all have experienced that in one way or another. The best way to deal with huge workloads is to break them into little steps. In such a way, you will cope with the whole assignment one by one. Another great tip is to try working in another…

Tips for academic survival essay sample

Well, there is no doubt that studying at college is exhausting and even quite frustrating sometimes. To begin with, it is significant to allocate a few days in order to settle in. The thing is that you will have a lot of information to process which is the reason why it is important to have…

Study tips on foreign languages essay sample

To begin with, the most important thing to remember is that you need to keep close attention during the first few weeks of studying a new language as this is when the foundation is built. Then, what is also of great significance is to review what you have learned every day. The thing is that…

Increasing motivation essay sample

The common belief is that the best way to increase motivation is to pay a person more money. Yet, it is not always the case, especially when the person feels tired. What should be done in a situation like that is to make the tasks the person completes more interesting and challenging. When you are…

Improving your study skills essay sample

Well, the most important thing to keep in mind when you face a huge assignment is to structure your time properly. The thing is that a lot depends on your ability to start researching on time as well as to get down to the actual writing process right after that. Apart from that, it is…

Source of stress essay sample

Well, there is no universal cause of stress meaning that there are lots of them. Besides, it may be a combination of things that causes your stress. Here are the most common sources of stress: being unhappy with some aspects of your life or in general, being unemployed, being sick, having huge workload or working…

Positive side of stress essay sample

Knowing that stress can have a positive side seems kind of strange. Yet, there are lots of aspects to mention regarding this issue. Thus, you will most likely be pleasantly surprised that stress can actually be positive for you. To begin with, lots of creative ideas are born during the period of frustration when you…

General relaxation techniques essay sample

Well, you are most definitely aware of the most common relaxation techniques which include the following: deep breathing, meditation, hypnosis, massage, yoga and music or art therapy. Yet, it does not mean that any of those techniques are going to help you, especially when you have been experiencing stress for a very long period of…

Detecting the type A behavior essay sample

When the subject under consideration is type A behavior, it is important to mention what the main characteristics of such behavior are. So, a type A person is most likely going to be competitive, a little bit hostile, struggling to do everything urgently, impatient, ambitious, talking fast and even somehow aggressive. Generally, it is really…

Sleep deprivation essay sample

There is no doubt that you are aware of such phenomenon as sleep deprivation. What you need to keep in mind is that it is real and it is very serious. Here are a few of those terrifying consequences you might experience if you are constantly sleep deprived. To begin with, you are most likely…

Help for insomnia essay sample

What is important to highlight in this respect is that insomnia should be treated right away. The quicker you do that, the healthier you are going to be. Besides, you will finally be able to get a good night’s sleep which will surely help you be more productive. Apart from that, it will be useful…

Preventing and responding to sexual harassment essay sample

To begin with, the first thing every company should do is create an anti-harassment policy and let their employees know that they are protected. In case sexual harassment occurs, the employee should be afraid to tell about that. After that the person who has done it should be punished. All employees need to know that…

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