Samples - page 30

Social aspects of climate change essay sample

A lot of attention is put at the issue of climate change, and more activists agree that it is not only an environmental problem. Its effect has social and economic consequences, which proves that not only environmentalists and volunteers need to worry about the global warming. Many businesses have already ensured their environmental responsibility that…

Industrial waste management essay sample

Waste management can be a real problem even for small households if  people do not know where do put used lithium batteries or a pile of plastic bags. This question is even tougher for industries that generate hazardous waste every day. They cannot deposit these wastes in the landfills as households do, nevertheless, dishonest owners…

Environmental risk assessment essay sample

Trying to reach the objectives of Europe 2020, a strategy on the economy and sustainable development of European countries, policy makers pay major attention to environmental risk assessment. Clearly, present-day industries frequently overlook the consequences of their activity on the natural and social environment for the sake of high profits. For this reason, an additional…

Social responsibility of business essay sample

  Businesses are unities that aim at making profit, and this is the core target of their owners. But even the smallest businesses do not exist in the vacuum – they pay taxes for their society and employ staff to work for them. They take raw materials to produce goods or construct facilities to recycle…

Ecological politics essay sample

  Green politics came to the western political arena in the 1970s. The term was applied to political parties that pursued environmentalism, democracy, and peace. Since then, the Green ideology spread across the world, and many countries acquired a Green party, which had a little electorate. They are common in Europe as the early green…

Coastal zone management essay sample

Protection of natural resources is especially urgent to the coastal areas. Due to extensive industrial and human activities, the recreational potential and coastal ecosystems were damaged to some extent. In the US, The Coastal Zone Management Act issued in 1972 is an official document that coordinates preservation, protection, and development of national coastal areas. The…

Green technology essay sample

Green technology is created with the help of the nature and for the nature. Scientists who devoted themselves to developing green technologies find more and more new ways to live in harmony with the environment. Today we have an alternative energy, green building, green chemistry, and other industries that broadened our views on technology. Industrialization…

Environmental responsibility essay sample

Sustainability is a new feature many businesses seek to implement. Environmental responsibility comes along with social responsibility, and if the last one is crucial for every business to succeed, an eco-friendly direction is important as well. More than 10 percent of American consumers claim that they take into account environmental reputation of the company they…

Ethics and biotechnology essay sample

Rapidly developing technology poses more new challenges. Genetic engineering, biorobotics, genomics, and other subdivisions of biotechnology require advanced scientific knowledge and plenty of financial resources. But ethical issues do not drop behind. These technologies tend to revolutionize the field of medicine, and their methods are innovative. Many of them involve manipulations that will not appeal…

Poor environmental quality causes poor health in humans essay sample

Environmental hazards follow us whenever we go. Sitting in the office or having a vacation at the seashore, people inhale air, drink water, and consume food, all of which can be polluted. Things we expose ourselves to directly influence our quality of life. Natural resources that have changed their qualities for worse may cause a…

Access to reproductive control essay sample

However weird it may seem, a large number of American women cannot afford themselves an effective birth control tools. While well-off women can rely on every type of birth control they prefer, the middle-to-low class usually bumps into high prices and inability to get their essential right for family planning. In the recent years, more…

‘Reduce, reuse, recycle and refuse’ principle essay sample

Naturally, the amount of waste increases proportionately to items we purchase. Though it seems that we need more and more goods, many of us can hardly consume them all. And eventually, the package and hardware remain a problem. Are we really capable to recycle all the metal and plastic we throw away? Unfortunately, we are…

Land degradation essay sample

Global climate change does not come down to floods and hurricanes. As soon as an average amount of precipitation is greatly shifted towards one area, the opposite side becomes highly prone to droughts. While coastal areas become damaged by fierce ocean waves, internal parts of the continents experience an exacerbated version of dry continental climate….

Climate refugees essay sample

Climate change threatens not only helpless animals that desperately seek for an alternative habitat. Local population of coastal or mountainous regions is also put at risk due to the fierce weather conditions that destroy their homes and bury hundreds of victims under the ruins. The international Organization for Migration defined several types of climate refugees…

Nature and animal conservation essay sample

Ecosystems gradually change and some species become better adjusted to the environmental conditions than others – that is how natural selection works. However, the human impact on biodiversity becomes fiercer with every year. According to the data provided by WWF, natural resources including fish and animal species reduced on more than 30 percent for the…

Precautionary principle essay sample

The precautionary principle is a type of risk management applied to situations when the evidence of  risk is unproven scientifically. It is a case with genetic engineering, nanotechnoology, and similar recent inventions that can be properly investigated only in future. As a proverb says, better safe than sorry, and governments all over the world secured…

Polluter pays principle essay sample

Monetary compensation for polluting environment is prescribed by the legislation of developed nations. Several European countries, as well as the US and Australia, secured the polluter pays principle in their environmental laws. It comes in form of an ecotax that does not allow industries to emit an excessive amount of toxic gasses. In many countries,…

Renewable energy commercialization essay sample

The problem of climate change became a hot topic for the last few decades. Renewable energy appeared to be the only sound alternative to fossil fuels that have already made a dramatic impact on ecosystems. After all, they are exhaustible natural resources, and population cannot eternally benefit from precious reserves of their land. At this…

Electronic waste essay sample

Alongside with the production of digital devices, the amount of electronic waste grows very fast. Old computers, peripherals, and cell phones comprise 2 percent of all the trash in the landfills. They are toxic waste inappropriately disposed of without recycling. The majority of American and European e-waste is transported to Africa and Asia where the…

Overfishing essay sample

  Depletion of natural resources does not come down merely to extracting fossil fuels and wasting fresh water. Wildlife is a natural resource too, and marine ecosystems are particularly vulnerable before the human needs. Fishing is an ancient industry, however, today it became lucrative as never before. Modern techniques allow to catch as many fish…

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