Infectious diseases continually evolve and mutate which raises a concern of the scientists. From common cold to AIDS and malaria, infectious diseases target people of all social classes everywhere in the world. Today, most schools and colleges of public health provide courses in infectious diseases. These programs are multidisciplinary as students learn from the interrelated…
Samples - page 46
Relation between computer science and robotics 🤖 essay sample
Robotics is not only very close to the related sciences such as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and computer science. It is rather an interdisciplinary field which encompasses all these sciences and is build on their principles. At first sight, constructing and improving robots seems to be quite a challenging task. Due to the complexity of…
Reducing CO2 emission with the help of nano-materials essay sample
Nanomaterials are already widely used in numerous industries. They are present in cosmetics, food packaging, electronics, medicine. However, Australian scientists have recently found out the way to apply nanotechnologies to reduce CO2 emissions from coal-powered plants. The major industry in the country is based on the fossil fuels which certainly affect the environment. The transition…
Implication of nanotechnology in medical science essay sample
Nanotechnology is frequently treated as a revolutionary scientific invention. Perhaps, it is correct due to the widest range of applicability which made nanotechnology essential to every sphere of human activity. From construction and electronics to medicine and cosmetics, the new technology creates innovative materials using super tiny nano-particles which allow making ordinary materials and substances…
The significance of science museums in teaching essay sample
Science centers and museums are essential to the process of studying because they provide a vivid demonstration of objects and phenomena under the student’s research. They allow having a closer look at the artifacts and models constructed to explain basic facts from the different fields of study. Perhaps, every student has been to a…
How sleep 😴 helps us to survive? essay sample
Sleep and eating are the essential mechanisms which help us to maintain normal conditions for life. If sufficient food provides us with the energy and material for building tissues, sleep is the way no normalize hormonal imbalance which emerges during the day. Hours of rest help us to recharge our batteries and allow to…
The aspect of space exploration essay sample
Exploration of space has always been a fascinating and challenging task. The better human civilization develops, the more we want to know about the origin and processes which are currently taking place in our global environment – the universe. Up to this point, astronomic discoveries brought us a plenty of evidence that the universe…
Dark energy and its relation with universe essay sample
Explaining constituents of the universe is not easy even at the current stage of astronomic progress. Today we know that the universe is full of solid objects which are grouped together and, certainly, of energy. But if we have plenty of data on planets, stars, and their properties, energy remains to be an ambiguous component….
Paleo diet and its effectiveness essay sample
The Paleolithic diet which only recently reached the peak of its popularity received some portion of ambiguous treatment from the nutritionists just like many other diets did. The diet encourages us to follow eating habits of our ancient forefathers. For ages, people ate what could be hunted, fished, and taken from nature. Clearly, the…
Chronic fatigue 😫 and its cure essay sample
Surely, everyone experienced fatigue at least few times in their life. It usually comes along with the inflammatory seasonal diseases such as a cold or indicates towards regular hormonal changes in woman’s organism. Perhaps, it is normal to feel worn-out in such critical times, and there is definitely no wonder why people remain tired after…
Autism and its remedies essay sample
Taking into account the steadily rising statistics of children diagnosed with autism, parents become more anxious about causes and treatment of the disorder. It is so devastating to see how a child grows reserved and distracted, does not speak or smile to parents. As the diagnosis comes out of a clear sky, shocked parents rush…
The positive impact of microbial factories on the raw materials essay sample
Microbial factories are non-pathogenic microorganisms which transform the materials on the input and endow them with the new qualities. The simplest and most obvious example of a microbial factory is biodegradability. All living beings created by nature sooner or later die and undergo decay. During this process, bacterial organisms present in the environment “consume” the…
Why is it Important to Impart Sexual Education to Young Children? essay sample
The debates on sexual education and its quality continue to drag more public attention. Modern parents are well aware of the necessity to protect their kids from potential threat brought by an early initiation in a sexual life. Abstinence-only programs have proven their obsolete non-scientific nature and were successfully succeeded by comprehensive sex education programs…
Different Stages of Human Development essay sample
Human development is a complex process which continues up to the senile age. Lifelong people learn new skills, acquire new accommodation to the environment, use their previously-learned experience. Even after the birth, people already have certain physical or mental genetic experiences. Except for biological stages of human development, there is a classification of the developmental…
Does Gender ♂️♀️ Affect Memory? essay sample
Taking into account intellectual and cognitive skills, there is no doubt in the fact that they depend on the person’s gender. In general, males have better spatial skills and females succeed in verbal skills. Numerous studies have shown that gender affects person’s activity in certain tasks. Both estrogen and testosterone affect cognitive skills alongside with…
Mental Development of Special Children essay sample
Special needs are individual requirements in education which essential for children with physical or mental disabilities. Numerous mental and emotional disorders are diagnosed in little kids as they fail to demonstrate intellectual skills and abilities common at their age. Retardation in mental development depends on another specific reason for each disorder. Children with special needs,…
Human Development – Conception to Old Age essay sample
Through the lifetime human body undergoes fabulous transformations. In their first day of life, all babies look alike. As they grow, kids develop individuality; teenagers strive to differentiate a little from their peers and be special. In the adulthood, people reveal the whole potential in their hobbies, occupation, family life. In the end, everyone…
How Does Social Anxiety Disorder Affect the Routine Life of a Person? essay sample
Social anxiety is one of the largest mental health problems in the world today. Rather few of us succeeded in communicating without any psychological borders while for most people is common to feel awkward while being in the center of public attention. However, awkwardness cannot be compared to panic which emerges out of nowhere before…
Short Term and Long Term Memory essay sample
Memory is a fascinating human ability to recollect pieces of knowledge and experience years after we first heard them. Memorizing is a unique mechanism regulated by our brain which sorts the information out according to its importance and transfers it either to the short term or long term memory. People suppose that they have either…
Relation between Physical Illness and Stress essay sample
The link between stress and illnesses may not be visible to everyone, nevertheless, it exists. People who stay under the constant pressure never remain completely healthy for a long time and develop some disease. From the very beginning, scientists doubted that these diseases have any relations to stress in particular. Nevertheless, the recent discoveries…